Author page: G4 Firearms

Deadly Shooting Between Family Members Was Self Defense, According To Witnesses

ENSLEY, FLORIDA — Witnesses and the local Sheriff are calling a deadly shooting a textbook case of self-defense, citing Florida’s Stand Your Ground law that allows for the use of deadly force under a variety of circumstances. A man was attacked by a family member and felt his life was in danger so he fired a gun shooting the man several times,…

Alabama Gov. Signed Constitutional Carry Into Law; Goes Into Effect Jan. 1, 2023

Yesterday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law a Constitutional Carry law that will eliminate the requirement of obtaining an Alabama Pistol Permit or having a permit from a State Alabama honors. If you are legally allowed to own a firearm, you will be able to carry concealed in Alabama. I just signed House Bill 272, known as the constitutional…

Good Samaritan Shoots at Car As it Slams Into His Son, His Car and a Woman Over Domestic Dispute

This is a wild story and just proved that anything can happen at any given time. Luckily, no one was seriously injured, and the suspect is in jail. On Feb. 27th, a Virginia woman was in a car with another man, presumably, someone she had a relationship with, and her 5-year-old daughter. As the two argued, the man started choking…