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Mass Shooting in Chicago – “One million shell casings,” an Officer Told 911

A dispatcher asked, “What is it that you have on scene for the [evidence technician] to process?” “One million shell casings,” an officer replied. “Alright. Let’s go between 30 and 50,” suggested the dispatcher. Two people are dead and eight injured in Chicago’s Gold Coast. It is one of the city’s most affluent neighborhoods and just blocks from the Magnificent…

Bar Robber With “Replica” Firearm Shot Dead by Concealed Carrier

Once again, the violence of Chicago continues to pour over into the suburbs. As the partons of a small local bar “pleaded for their lives,” one person in the group pulled out his concealed firearm and made sure the criminal would not get away with hurting anyone. The news release from the Will County Sheriff’s Office said, “Deputies would later…

Concealed Carrier Stops to Pee in Chicago Alley; Gets Shot While Drawing from the Drop

After making an extremely bad decision, a Chicago man is in critical condition after drawing on a man attempting to rob him at gunpoint. This past Saturday night, a man and his fiancée were driving to a nightclub. The man had to pee, and they decided to pull over to relieve himself in an alley. I don’t know about you,…

Vet Your Instructors: Firearms Instructor Pays Fine for Providing Inadequate CCW Training

Here is a perfect example of why you should vet your firearms instructors before paying your hard-earned money for a class. Two weeks ago, an Illinois Firearms Instructor pleaded guilty to providing false firearms training and paid $1,000 in fines and court costs. I came across this story this morning and did a little more digging. It seems that he…

Concealed Carrier Shoots Neighbor’s Knife-Wielding Son Who Was Having a “Mental Episode”

A Chicago man went to a neighbor’s house to investigate a loud noise and wound up having to use his concealed carry gun to defend his life against a man wielding a knife. Last night shortly before 10:45 PM in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, a man heard a loud noise coming from his neighbor’s house. He went over…