
Ex-Boyfriend Shot While Ramming His Ex-Girlfriend’s Home w/ His Truck

59-year-old Frank Brinkley was shot and killed Sunday evening in Anderson, California when he attempted to ram into a man standing inside the front door of a house. Brinkley was a convicted felon whose criminal record included arrests for drug possession, stalking, criminal threats, and resisting arrest. His ex-girlfriend had a restraining order, which he had already violated multiple times.…

7-11 Thief Got a Gift from a 3rd-Degree Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Who Live Streamed it on Facebook

A Chicago man who stole from a 7-11, harassed customers, and then took a swing at the clerk got a gift from a customer that just happened to be a 3rd-Degree Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt. And by gift, I mean being gift wrapped, which is a jiu-jitsu position that is not comfortable at all. Trust me, I know! Idriz Redzovic, a…

Supreme Court Strikes Down New York’s “Proper Cause” Needed for Concealed Carry Permits

Today the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that New York’s requirement of stating a “proper cause” when applying for a concealed carry permit was unconstitutionally restrictive. What does that mean? That basically ends states from being a “May Issue” state. What does “May Issue” mean? States that May Issue are those that can choose to extend a concealed carry permit to…

Two Teens Broke Into a CT Man’s Home; Unfortunately for Them He was Armed

Two teenagers got more than they bargained for when they broke into a Connecticut man’s home last week. According to the police, two teenagers, 16 and 15 years old, forced their way into a man’s home right before midnight last Wednesday. Once inside, the two teenagers attacked the homeowner. He was then able to fire multiple shots hitting both suspects.…

Homeowner Catches Burglar Standing Outside of Baby’s Bedroom Door, Holds Him at Gunpoint for Police

An Illinois homeowner woke to the sound of someone in their house. And where the homeowner found him, I’d say the suspect is lucky to be alive. Police responded to a 911 call about a burglary in progress where the homeowner was holding a suspect at gunpoint. After investigating, they found that the suspect had burglarized the homeowner’s car. He…

Woman Fired ‘Warning Shot’ But Killed The Intruder; Ruling Comes Back Seven Months Later

Earlier this week, we ran an article about a man convicted of felonious assault after firing three warning shots after a self-defense shooting. Here’s a story where a woman fired a warning shot but hit and killed a would-be intruder. Seven months later she finds out if she will face any charges. An Indiana woman was in her home with her…