
Concealed Carrier Steps In, Shoots 1 of 2 Dogs Mauling Young Autistic Child

People were trying everything to stop two dogs from mauling a small child, but nothing worked until a licensed concealed carrier stepped in and shot one of the dogs to stop the attack. A mother and her young autistic son were walking to school yesterday morning when two dogs chased the young boy all of a sudden. Another kid walking…

Caught on Camera: CA Jewelry Store Owner Fires 1 Shot; 3 Armed Robbers Flee

It seems like California jewelry stores are getting hit left and right. I’ve already covered two other incidents where smash-and-grab robberies were foiled by the owner with a gun. This one happened earlier this week on Monday. Shortly before 5 PM this past Monday, three masked armed robbers pulled up to a jewelry store in Menlo Park, CA. They can…

Lyft Driver Gets Ear Bitten Off and Car Stolen; Meanwhile Lyft Has a Strict “No Weapons” Policy

We’ve reported on numerous stories of Lyft or Uber drivers having to defend themselves with a gun even though both companies have a strict “no weapons” policy. Unfortunately, this driver didn’t have a way to defend himself. A Missouri Lyft driver was driving a female passenger this past Sunday. At some point, she told him he had a gun and…

Concealed Carrier Stops to Pee in Chicago Alley; Gets Shot While Drawing from the Drop

After making an extremely bad decision, a Chicago man is in critical condition after drawing on a man attempting to rob him at gunpoint. This past Saturday night, a man and his fiancée were driving to a nightclub. The man had to pee, and they decided to pull over to relieve himself in an alley. I don’t know about you,…

Vet Your Instructors: Firearms Instructor Pays Fine for Providing Inadequate CCW Training

Here is a perfect example of why you should vet your firearms instructors before paying your hard-earned money for a class. Two weeks ago, an Illinois Firearms Instructor pleaded guilty to providing false firearms training and paid $1,000 in fines and court costs. I came across this story this morning and did a little more digging. It seems that he…

Victim Shoots Attacker After Car Stalls While Trying to Flee

Avery Nowlin was shot and killed while trying to assault Darius Bush with an unknown weapon Saturday in Snellville, GA. Gwinnett County police said the incident began when Nowlin approached Bush, who was sitting in a car in the parking lot of a residential neighborhood. “A physical altercation was initiated by Avery. At some point, Bush’s vehicle stalled, and he…