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Concealed Carrier Steps In, Shoots 1 of 2 Dogs Mauling Young Autistic Child

People were trying everything to stop two dogs from mauling a small child, but nothing worked until a licensed concealed carrier stepped in and shot one of the dogs to stop the attack. A mother and her young autistic son were walking to school yesterday morning when two dogs chased the young boy all of a sudden. Another kid walking…

Caught on Camera: CA Jewelry Store Owner Fires 1 Shot; 3 Armed Robbers Flee

It seems like California jewelry stores are getting hit left and right. I’ve already covered two other incidents where smash-and-grab robberies were foiled by the owner with a gun. This one happened earlier this week on Monday. Shortly before 5 PM this past Monday, three masked armed robbers pulled up to a jewelry store in Menlo Park, CA. They can…

Lyft Driver Gets Ear Bitten Off and Car Stolen; Meanwhile Lyft Has a Strict “No Weapons” Policy

We’ve reported on numerous stories of Lyft or Uber drivers having to defend themselves with a gun even though both companies have a strict “no weapons” policy. Unfortunately, this driver didn’t have a way to defend himself. A Missouri Lyft driver was driving a female passenger this past Sunday. At some point, she told him he had a gun and…

Concealed Carrier Stops to Pee in Chicago Alley; Gets Shot While Drawing from the Drop

After making an extremely bad decision, a Chicago man is in critical condition after drawing on a man attempting to rob him at gunpoint. This past Saturday night, a man and his fiancée were driving to a nightclub. The man had to pee, and they decided to pull over to relieve himself in an alley. I don’t know about you,…

Vet Your Instructors: Firearms Instructor Pays Fine for Providing Inadequate CCW Training

Here is a perfect example of why you should vet your firearms instructors before paying your hard-earned money for a class. Two weeks ago, an Illinois Firearms Instructor pleaded guilty to providing false firearms training and paid $1,000 in fines and court costs. I came across this story this morning and did a little more digging. It seems that he…